
发布时间: 2023-05-25

联系方式-Contact   Informationxxlu2012@sinano.ac.cn
主要研究方向-Research Interests单分子光学检测Single-molecule   detection

主要研究项目-Research Projects

主要科研成果-AchievementXuxing Lu,   Deep Punj, and Michel Orrit. Two-Photon-Excited Single-Molecule Fluorescence   Enhanced by Gold Nanorod
     Dimers. Nano Letters, 22(10):4215,2022.

Xuxing   Lu, Deep Punj, and Michel Orrit. Controlled synthesis of   gold nanorod dimers with end-to-end configurations.
     RSC Advances, 12(21):13464,2022

Xuxing   Lu, Gang Ye, Deep Punj, Ryan C. Chiechi, and Michel   Orrit. Quantum Yield Limits for the Detection of
     Single-Molecule Fluorescence Enhancement by a Gold Nanorod. ACS Photonics,   7(9), 2020.

Xuxing   Lu, Weixiang Ye, Wenlong You, Hao Xie, Zhihong Hang, Yun   Lai, and Weihai Ni. Collective resonance in
     helical superstructures of gold nanorods. Physical Review B, 101(4), J2020.

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