石梦静 Shi Mengjing

发布时间: 2020-09-18


职称、职务-Title   or Position副教授associate   professor
联系方式-Contact Information147390594@qq.com
主要研究方向-Research Interests非线性光学&固体激光器nonlinear   optics & solid state lasers
主要讲授课程-Courses大学物理&大学物理实验 College Physics &   Experiments CollegePhysics
主要研究项目-Research Projects利用中心对称晶体的三阶非线性效应获得紫外激光的研究(JT180330)The   study on the  generation of UV laser   through third-order nonlinear effect in    centrosymmetric crystals
Efficient   frequency conversion for cubic harmonic generation at 266 nm in   centrosymmetric α-BBO crystal

Optics Letters,   43(8)

Third-order   nonlinear optical properties of calcite crystal in UV region

Optik, 182

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