何志雄 He Zhixiong

发布时间: 2020-09-18

职称、职务-Title   or Position副教授associate   professor
联系方式-Contact Information1811790338318117903383
主要研究方向-Research Interests等离子体物理plasma   physics
主要研究项目-Research Projects1,《反常电子粘滞性引起的双撕裂模研究》,福建省自然科学基金,基金号:2019J0106Study   of Double Tearing Modes induced by anomal
     ous electron viscosity
主要科研成果-Achievement[1] He Zhixiong et al., Study of   nonlinear evolution of tearing modes induced by anomal
     ous electron viscosity. Physica Scripta, 2015,90(12):125603.
[1] He Zhixiong et al., Study of   nonlinear evolution of tearing modes induced by anomal
     ous electron viscosity. Physica Scripta, 2015,90(12):125603.
[2] He   Zhixiong et al., Double tearing mode induced by parallel electron viscosity   in t
     okamak plasmas , Physics of plasmas, 2010, 17(11): 112102.
[2] He Zhixiong et al., Double   tearing mode induced by parallel electron viscosity in t
     okamak plasmas , Physics of plasmas, 2010, 17(11): 112102.

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