谢静逸 Xie Jingyi

发布时间: 2020-05-21

职称、职务-Title   or Position讲师Lecturer
联系方式-Contact Information邮箱:xiejingyi0108@qq.comEmail:xiejingyi0108@qq.com
主要研究方向-Research Interests电场兼容Electromagnetic   Compatibility
主要研究项目-Research ProjectsNULL
主要科研成果-Achievement1.基于实际通带特性的EMI接收机精确模型.中国电机工程学报1.A Pricise EMI   Receiver Model Based on Practical Band-pass Characteristics.Proceedings of   the CSEE
2.Wide   Frequency PCB Circuit Model Base on Impedance Characteristic for   Electromagnetic Noise Prediction.IEEE 13th International Conference on Power   Electronics and Drive Systems.2.Wide Frequency PCB Circuit   Model Base on Impedance Characteristic for Electromagnetic Noise   Prediction.IEEE 13th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive   Systems
3.平面电感绕组损耗优化措施与仿真验证.磁性材料及器件3.Optimization and simulation verification to winding loss in   planar inductor.Journal of Magnetic Materials and Devices

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