胡驰 Hu Chi

发布时间: 2015-10-05


职称、职务-Tittle or Position教授professor
联系方式-Contact Informationchihu@fjut.edu.cnchihu@fjut.edu.cn
主要研究方向-Research Interests射频识别技术RFID technology
主要讲授课程-Courses1. 电磁场理论;
              2. 微波技术与天线;
              3. 微波电路与微波EDA。
1. Electromagnetic field theory;
              2. Microwave technology and antenna;
              3. Microwave circuits and microwave EDA.
主要研究项目-Research Projects1. 远距离射频识别系统中的关键技术研究(项目编号:2005J047);
              2. 基于遗传算法的MIMO天线阵优化设计研究(项目编号:2006J0016);
              3. 毫米波汽车防撞雷达的关键技术研究(项目编号:GY-R0805);
              4. 用于无线传感器金属柱体共形天线的设计与研究(项目编号:2013-G-91)。
1. Research on key technology of remote radio frequency identification system(NO:2005J047);
              2. Research on the optimization design of MIMO antenna array based on genetic algorithm(NO:2006J0016);
              3. Research on key technology of millimeter wave automotive anti collision radar(NO:GY-R0805);
              4. Design and study of conformal antenna for wireless sensor metal cylinder(NO:2013-G-91).
主要科研成果-Achievement[1] Hu Chi,“Comments on 'The Groove Guide,a Low Loss Waveguidefor Millimeter Waves',”IEEET-MTT Vol.42,No.9,Sept.1994,pp.1716-1717。
              [2] Hu Chi,Yang Hongsheng and Lu Zhongzuo,“Dominant Mode Characteristics of Circular Groove Guide,”Int. J. of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,Vol.16,No.2,Feb.,1995,pp.401-410。
              [3] Hu Chi,Yang Hongsheng and Lu Zhongzuo,“Structural Method for Solving Dyadic Green's Functions,”Chinese Science Bulletin,Vol.41,No.16,Aug.1995,pp.1397-1401。
              [4] Hu Chi,Yang Hongsheng and Lu Zhongzuo,“Dyadic Green's Functions for Circular Groove Guide,”ILLMC'95,Shanghai,China,Oct. 1995,pp.181-183。
              [5] Han Minghua, Yuan Naichang, Hu Chi, Signal Analysis by Time-Frequencey Distributions—Applications to Impulse Radar Scattering Echoes of Plane and Dihedral Corner,Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves,1998, Vol.19,No.7,pp.1017-1025。
              [6] Hu Chi, Analyzing Semicircular Groove Guide with the Conformal Mapping Technique,Int. J. of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,Vol.24,No.11,Nov.,2003,pp.1999-2006.
[1] Hu Chi,“Comments on 'The Groove Guide,a Low Loss Waveguidefor Millimeter Waves',”IEEET-MTT Vol.42,No.9,Sept.1994,pp.1716-1717。
              [2] Hu Chi,Yang Hongsheng and Lu Zhongzuo,“Dominant Mode Characteristics of Circular Groove Guide,”Int. J. of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,Vol.16,No.2,Feb.,1995,pp.401-410。
              [3] Hu Chi,Yang Hongsheng and Lu Zhongzuo,“Structural Method for Solving Dyadic Green's Functions,”Chinese Science Bulletin,Vol.41,No.16,Aug.1995,pp.1397-1401。
              [4] Hu Chi,Yang Hongsheng and Lu Zhongzuo,“Dyadic Green's Functions for Circular Groove Guide,”ILLMC'95,Shanghai,China,Oct. 1995,pp.181-183。
              [5] Han Minghua, Yuan Naichang, Hu Chi, Signal Analysis by Time-Frequencey Distributions—Applications to Impulse Radar Scattering Echoes of Plane and Dihedral Corner,Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves,1998, Vol.19,No.7,pp.1017-1025。
              [6] Hu Chi, Analyzing Semicircular Groove Guide with the Conformal Mapping Technique,Int. J. of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,Vol.24,No.11,Nov.,2003,pp.1999-2006.
主要获奖情况-Awards1.提取微波GaAs FET大信号参数的新方法,1992年获军队科技进步三等奖。
1. New method for extracting large signal parameters from microwave FET GaAs,the third prize of Army scientific and technological progress,1992.
              2. Overall programme design for the spectrum management system of the battlefield in the southeast coastal battlefield of the second artillery,the third prize of Army scientific and technological progress,2002.


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