陈彩云 Chen Cai-Yun

发布时间: 2015-07-01

职称、职务-Title or Position讲师Lecturer
联系方式-Contact Informationcychen@fjut.edu.cn
主要研究方向-Research Interests系统辨识,参数估计system identification, parameter estimate
主要讲授课程-Courses电工学electrical engineering
主要研究项目-Research Projects

主要科研成果-Achievement1 Yan Zhibin, Chen Caiyun. Convergence analysis of parameter estimation in system identification. The 25th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Guiyang, 2013: 2430-2434. (EI 收录)
            2 Yan Zhibin, Chen Caiyun. Use Hausdorff metric to analyze convergence of parameter estimation in system identification, Automatica, 2014, 50(8): 2163–2168. (SCI 收录, 影响因子 3.132)
            3 Chen Caiyun, Yan Zhibin. Asymptotical behavior of parameter estimation in prediction error framework. The 26th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Changsha, 2014:4496-4500. (EI 收录)

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